West Coast Academy News
Keep up to date with all the exciting things happening at the Academy!
Yes it’s that time of year!! Introducing our brand new theme and logo for the new season! I hope you all agree it’s out of this world! If you haven’t guessed our theme is space! Your brand new membership t-shirts will be ready for you soon! […]
Easter Half Term is just around the corner! Our popular half term camps are back! They are live on the portal so book in quickly to avoid disappointment. This half term we are running parkour and Gymnastics camps for ages 6+. You need to head to […]
Welcome to our new website! We have been busy creating a fresh new website where you can find out about West Coast Academy and the classes we offer. We have various classes from Parkour, Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Stage School and Dance is new for September 2021. On […]